So it's that time of the year again.....where the weather turns ungodly cold, work becomes some what routine, and TV becomes amazing once again. Every year about a month before Christmas all the networks, even some cable stations, stop showing new episodes of your favorite show and pause so that we can take time and reflect on what the "holiday" really mean to us...fuck that.....I want a new episode of Desperate....Well my friends the wait is over.
In case you missed it here is a play-by-play of each network;
ABC- Starting last week ABC kicked things off with an amazing recap of Lost.....the first hour was dedicated to what happen before the break....and if you missed it, oh well, it was awesome to catch up....but the fun didn't stop there. The next hour was all new.....btw....I'm not going to talk about plot, b/c if you haven't seen Lost in a while or you've never seen the show, you are missing out and I would suggest that you hop on the boat before it goes to far down the river. Anywho.....Even this week Lost was again amazing....let's just say that there is a reason this is on the best shows on TV.
Of course ABC's power horse Desperate has yet to disappoint this fan. I do know of a couple of people....names will not be mentioned....that have not cared for this season. Some have said that the stories in the beginning were not tied together, as they were in the first season, and that turned a lot of people off. I disagree with that. If this show is to last we can not ask for the same thing week after week....instead, why not play with character development....I for one loved the first part of this season and look forward to all the Desperate I can get.
NBC - I have to be honest in saying that after the original "Must See TV" lineup went by the wayside I stopped watching the peacock network for a while. Of course I have always been about Will and Grace, but even that kind of turned into the same'ol gay jokes season after I can catch past episodes on Lifetime and the WB, so why skip all-you-can-drink at the local watering hole just for one show....I don't think so. Well let me one of many to shout the praises of NBC's new Thursday nite's not like the original but its hella funny. Starting with Will and Grace......this season is one of the funniest in a long time. If you missed the episode with the Sound of Music sing-along, you missed some funny shit. If this is there last season, I'm glad to see it go out laughing.
NBC's newest addiction is The Office. If you don't know the story, the Peacock borrowed the story from the Brits and in my opinion made it ten times funnier. At first it was kind of a struggle to get into the show, b/c me thinks it was on Wed. and you know my Wed. belong to another network...which we will get to in one second. Now that it is on Thurs. we are all good.....Seriously, if you haven't watched this show yet, get on board....Steve Corale is one of the funniest people to hit TV since Eddie Murphy.
CBS- In the words of my two favorite gay film critics.....
"HATED IT". I am not 45 yet....
FOX- I have to tell you that I was a little worried about the home of the Simpsons.... I mean really once Joe Millionaire Paris came out....I had to take a break....even the OC had become a little stale. And then, 24. If you have not watched this show.....MAKE IT A MUST. Things kicked off with a 2-day two hour premier. I know right.....the thing to know about the show is that each episode is one hour of time....meaning that the season is a full 24hrs.....
Welcome back to the OC.....if you were like me, you took a break from Newport and swung over to Laguna Beach for a hot minute, because things in Newport were becoming a little LAME. I have yet to watch the new episodes, they are TIVO'd and waiting, but if the previews are worth anything, things in the OC are going to be popping again.
Fox I have to say is trying to hit you with the three punches this fall and they don't seem like they are going to rest until you can't take it anymore. There last hit of the fall is the ever popular American Idol. Filled with all the lames of pervious years and some interesting talent...Idol looks to be as ever addicting as usual.
Bravo- Again the gayest network in the world does not disappoint. Project Runway...or once again AMAZING. If you missed last season, go to Blockbuster and rent it now!!!!!!!!!! Although this season lacks some of the freshness of last year, it still holds true to everything that last season was, ADDICTIVE AND ENTERTAINING.
I know that there is a lot more shows out there, some that might be just as awesome as the shows that are listed above...if so, let a brotha know. Again, if you are not watching TV this fall....what the hell else are you doing MAN!!!