Friday, December 23, 2005

The latest news and Tony have talked. I have to tell you that on Tues, I called him and he didn't call me back and I went totally crazy. I probably called him about 8-10 times, plus text messages, plus a million e-mails. By the time I went to sleep I was asking myself what the hell I was doing....the answer, trying to save a relationship that I want and need so bad. I love him too much to lose him over some psycho......
I have yet to comment on my relationship with here you go (please note, this will be the one and only time you will get this).....
Tony makes me feel so good about myself. The end. I have never been with someone who questioned me for all the right reasons, never been with someone that told me that I'm a beautiful person, never been with someone that when I look at them I see my entire future in their eyes.......I love him and don't want to ever lose him.....
In the end I know that this is something that just won't go away, I don't expect it to. It will always be that one incident that stopped our relationship for so many hours, minutes, seconds.....What I do know and hope is that this will be something that we work through, together, just like any other problem that may arise in the future......and hopefully that will be a long one.....Together.

1 comment:

Carrie Broadshoulders said...

The panic when the boy doesn't call you back is the worst! Hopefull you can work things out.