Thursday, April 28, 2005

When's the last time you jumped......

When I was young I loved jumping off of our stairs that led to the basement. I would always start with one step...then two...then five....then I would finally sum up the courage and jump from the top stair. Closing my eyes, holding my breath, and hoping to god that I would land on my feet at the bottom instead of on top of another step or even worse falling competely on my face. There would always be those times that I didn't make it to the bottom of the staiirs....but somehow I would go at it again and start all over...........

So this whole new chapter thing is finding me in a really new place. For the first time in my life I have done what I so many words. A lot of people told me not to quite my job without having one lined up.....but I knew that if I stayed at my past job that I would keep hating myself. You see I have always thought that lfe is way too short to do things that make you unhappy, because when it's all over do you really want to say "Well I only had so many happy times in life that I can really remember." No of course not. I'm not saying that every moment in life needs to be happy, but why waste time in doing things that make us unhappy. I'm over it......
So with that thought I left a job that i had been at for a year that made me unhappy almost everyday that I was there. But the thing was that I wasn't ready to make that full leap, so again I took a job that made me unhappy. And then one day, after working at this new unhappy job for three weeks I called in and quite. I finally closed my eyes and held my breath........and jumped.
From that point on, my life has been in a place that I am unfamiliar with which is probably the best jump that I've made in years.

1 comment:

Chuck said...

I live for you Nick...McDougal Hall always has a place for a broke ass biddy like yourself...I love our breakdowns just as much as our crazy shenanegans...oh and btw, Q-U-I-T not Q-U-I-T-E...